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Ez-Change™ capsule filter cartridge & housing

Line-up of single type

Shell Check valve Total length
Product Type Material With or without Air vent Side view Bottom view Material 62.5L 125L 250L 500L
XD Polypropylene No air vent XD Side view XD Bottom view Polypropylene - - - -
ESLP Polypropylene, PTFE (wet part) No air vent ESLP Side view ESLP Bottom view No air vent - - -
XS Polypropylene No air vent XS Side view XS Bottom view - - - -
XB Polypropylene No air vent XB Side view XB Bottom view Seal : Polypropylene
Spring : Stainless steel
AD Polypropylene Up-stream side air vent AD Side view AD Bottom view Seal : Polypropylene
Spring : Stainless steel
WK Polypropylene Up-stream and Down-stream air vent WK Side view WK Bottom view Seal : Polypropylene
Spring : Stainless steel
XA Polypropylene No air vent XA Side view XA Bottom view No air vent - -
  • As for the XB and AD product type, non-metallic simple check valves (made of polypropylene) are also available. For further information, please contact our sales representatives.
  • There is also a check valve type other than SUS spring. For further information, please contact our sales representatives.

Line-up of seven cartridges in one capsule

Shell Check valve Total length
Product Type Material With or without Air vent Side view Bottom view Material 62.5L 125L 250L 500L
XW Polypropylene Hard Shell No air vent XW Side view XW Bottom view Seal : Polypropylene
Spring : Stainless steel
AW Polypropylene Hard Shell Up-stream side air vent AW Side view AW Bottom view Seal : Polypropylene
Spring : Stainless steel
PCW Polypropylene
Thin-walled shell
No air vent PCW Side view PCW Bottom view Seal : Polypropylene
Spring : PET steel
- -
  • There is also a check valve type other than SUS spring. For further information, please contact our sales representatives.

Line-up of Ez-Change™ housing

Total length(mm) Quantity per housing Connecting configuration End of part number Face to Face dimension
62.5 1 JIS 8A XA 91
62.5 1 IDF 1S XB AD WK 181
125 1 JIS 8A XA 91
125 1 IDF 1S XB AD WK 181
250 1 IDF 1S XB AD WK 181
500 1 IDF 1S XB AD WK 181


Since the base parts of the XB, AD and WK product type are common, capsule filter cartridges with different lengths and shapes can be used by exchanging a holder for each type of holder.

Total length(mm) Quantity per housing Connecting configuration End of part number Face to Face dimension
250 3 IDF 1S XB 350
250 6 IDF 1.5S XB 500
500 3 IDF 1S XB 350
500 6 IDF 1.5S XB 500


Use of optional dummy capsules can change the number of capsule filters to adjust the required process conditions.

Total length(mm) Quantity per housing Connecting configuration End of part number Face to Face dimension
125 7 IDF 1.5S XW AW 500
250 7 IDF 1.5S XW AW PCW 500
500 7 IDF 1.5S XW AW PCW 500

Ez-Change™ Accessory part

Product name Product photo Details
Bypass Capsule Bypass Capsule Bypass capsule is polypropylene parts in order to bypass from the inlet to the outlet of a housing. It improves working efficiency because the in-line cleaning is possible. Inside surface of the piping in the housing can be also cleaned when the pipe before and after housing is cleaned. Bypass Capsule for SIDP/SMDP and for MIDP are prepared.
Dummy Capsule Dummy Capsule Dummy Capsule is polypropylene parts for only SMDP housing. Inlet and outlet of SMDP housing is closed by it instead of Ez-Change capsule cartridges. The quantity of Ez-Change capsule cartridges can be changed according to the flow rate, because the inlet and outlet is blocked by Dummy capsule.

Available product type for Ez-change capsules

Please refer to the following table about available product type for capsules.

Please download the PDF from here.
